Calculation, evaluation and reduction of vibrations
For calculational pre-determination and minimization of induction and propagation of structure-borne sound at buildings, the company offers the following services:
- calculational prediction and minimization of influence of vibrations on floorings and other building structures according to DIN 4150-1
- evaluation of calculated building vibrations regarding the damage to building structures according to DIN 4150-3
- evaluation of calculated building vibrations regarding the impairment to human wellbeing according to DIN 4150-2, VDI 2057 and the regulation for noise control at workplaces
- design of structure-borne sound isolation/ vibration isolation of machines for reduction of vibrations induced to floorings and other structures
- consultancy for noise control at elevators on the basis of VDI 2566
Measurement and evaluation of vibrations
The acquisition and the evaluation of the induction and the propagation of low-frequency structure-borne sound at buildings can be carried out by means of specific sensors:
- measurement of vibrational quantities with 3D seismometer (requirements of measuring device according to DIN 45669-1) according to DIN 4150-1 within a frequency range of 0,5 Hz – 80 Hz
- evaluation of measured building vibrations regarding the damage to building structures according to DIN 4150-3
- evaluation of measured building vibrations regarding the impairment to human wellbeing according to DIN 4150-2, VDI 2057 and the regulation for noise control at workplaces