Basics – Signals und sound
- characteristics of signals and sound
- description of harmonic quantities
- statistical quantities for describing signals
- sound pressure level (SPL)
- definition of sound pressure level
- summation of sound pressure levels
- averaging
- Bandpass filter – Third octave and octave filters
- Sound power and sound power level
Perception and evaluation of sound signals
- weighting in frequency domain
- weighting in time domain
- rating of sound, rating level according to TA Lärm
Sound propagation in free field
- plane wave
- impedance
- sound intensity
- spherical wave
Sound reflection, sound transmission and sound absorption
- power balance
- surface impedance und reflection factor
- sound insulation
Fundamentals of room acoustics
- reverberation time of rooms
- reverberation time and sound absorption
- sound power and sound pressure in the diffuse sound field
- sound pressure level and sound power level in rooms
- technical sound absorbers