Sound power level
For the determination of the sound power, two different procedures can be applied, the measurement of the sound pressures and the determination of the sound intensitiy along an enveloping measurement surface. The quantities detemined in this way, characterize the sound emission of the machine independently of the environmental conditions in situ.
- The series of standards DIN EN ISO 3740 (DIN EN ISO 3741, 3742, 3743, 3744, 3745, 3746 and 3747) is based on the measurement of the sound pressure level along an enveloping measurement surface. This method allows the determination of the sound power level of machines, devices and their components in different environments.
- Basis of the series of standards DIN EN ISO 9614 (DIN EN ISO 9614-1, 9614-2 and 9614-3) represents the measurement of the sound intensity. Thereby, the determination of the sound power level of machines, devices and their components is carried out by a sound intensity probe. This method is also applicable in different environments.
Emission sound pressure level
It is often reasonable to measure the emission of a machine in dependency of the environmental conditions at workplaces and other specified places. In this case, the series of standards DIN EN ISO 11200 (DIN EN ISO 11201 – DIN EN ISO 11205) is applied for the evaluation of the sound emission. In terms of these standards an emission sound pressure level is determined at a specified site.
- The standards DIN EN ISO 11201, DIN EN ISO 11202, DIN EN ISO 11204 are based on the measurement of the sound pressure levels.
- The standards DIN EN ISO 11203 and DIN EN ISO 11205 require the detemination of the sound intensity.
Standards for specific machines
There are specific standards for certain kinds of machines and their sites. Combustion engines, for instance, require the measurement of the sound power according to DIN 45635-11. The determination of the sound power of printing machines, paper conversion and paper manufacturing machinery or equipment machinery has to be carried out according to DIN EN 13023.
Ultrasonic pressure level
For devices and machines working with ultrasonic, it is required to determine the ultrasonic pressure level. With the object of declaring the conformity of these devices and machines (declaration of conformity), measurements are carried out according to DIN EN 61010-1 and VDE 0411-1 respectively.