Porous sound absorbers in rooms, enclosures and noise barriers
- overview
- direct application of sound absorber on the wall
- sound absorber at distance to wall
- sound absorbing coverings
- measurement methods
Resonance absorbers in rooms, enclosures and noise barriers
- plate oscillators
- Helmholtz resonator
- λ/4 resonator
- further mechanisms
Silencers and mufflers in ventilation and exhaust systems
- introduction
- absorption muffler
- reflection muffler
- λ/4 resonance muffler
- Helmholtz resonance muffler
- hybride mufflers
Enclosures at components of machines and devices
- effect
- paths of sound propagation
- design of wall elements of enclosure
Noise control by screening of traffic noise and at workplaces
- effect
- calculation
Structure-borne noise isolation at components of machines and devices
- force excitation
- excitation of grounding